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Anupam Singh

Anupam Singh is a visual artist who addresses the links between art practice, pedagogy and society. Over the past 12 years of art practice, he has had a solo exhibition and participated in over 20 group exhibitions in various art galleries. He has also engaged with new audiences through community art projects and interactive art methods, employing art as a tool to raise awareness about environmental and social concerns. He lectures on Indian Art and conducts art appreciation workshops in prominent educational institutions in Mumbai.

Ghar (Home)

(en)counters land(of)mine | 2012

This seat is fastened loosely with bricks, each inscribed with textual imagery and etchings – the word Ghar (home) on one side, a drawing of someone’s idea of home on the other. The sculptural element combines with the interactivity of the work as viewers are invited to sit while watching a video of the artist’s project that he carried out at a brick kiln in Navi Mumbai.

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